Just a quick note about what I have been knitting. The first pair of little socks I knit for my 3 year old have been washed a few times so they are now WAY too small. She wears them anyway. It is a very sad sight. The little heel sits at the arch of her little foot.
I cast on a new and improved version with a little better plan than I had the first time. One sock is finished and about an inch of ribbing is done on the second sock of the pair.
My little one was so excited about the new socks that she asked if she could wear the one that is finished. I could not come up with a good reason to tell her no, so last night her plain, white, store-bought sock languished on an end table while she ran around in one plain sock and one pink and purple hand knit sock. She wore them to bed that way last night and I had to really insist that she put on a matched pair of socks this morning to go to daycare. It really is the sweetest, most endearing thing to see something I made be so cherished by my daughter.
It really puts the pressure on me to finish the other sock though. Maybe that is a good thing.