I subscribe to Netflix. I still subscribe to both the streaming videos and the 1 DVD out at a time, even though I did think their recent rate hike was a little excessive. I rarely watch the DVD, and in fact, I have one that has been sitting unwatched in the mail pile for a long time. It's been so long that I have no idea how long it's been.
I love watching entire seasons of tv shows one right after another. It is so very different from watching regular tv. I have watched Damages, Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, and Breaking Bad episode after episode, after episode all the while staying up too late and yet, not getting my laundry done because it is JUST SO ADDICTIVE. No commercials and no waiting a week for the next installment of the story.
Anyway, Netflix, I'm hooked. I think I saw four seasons of Mad Men in two weeks, and that is not an exaggeration. In my defense, I did have a bad cold or viral thing over one of those weeks, so I was down for the count in any case.
Now for movies it's another story. I spend an inordinate amount of time browsing the movies on Netflix and thinking they all look pretty lame. I'm not into slasher-type-horror movies or the "unrated" type of movies of which they seem to have many.
Every once in a while though, I take a chance on something that I've never heard of and never seen a trailer for. Some of them, especially period pieces, are well worth watching. I feel lucky when I end up happy that I took the risk. One of those movies is The War Bride. I'd never heard of it, but the synopsis looked interesting enough that I thought I would try it. It was really good. I think I will definitely watch it again sometime.
It starts out kind of sad, but the main character is a tough cookie with a positive attitude and uses her talents to her best advantage to improve her sorry situation. Her talent, as it turns out, is that she is an accomplished seamstress. She uses her sewing skills to aid her in forming relationships with her new family and acquaintances. It's not the main plot of the story, but for anyone who craves sewing content in their entertainment, it will do the trick.
Sewing content aside, it is a good movie with a happier kind of ending. This is the type of ending that I prefer. I always think that life can be rough enough without entertaining ourselves with depressing movies that have tear-jerking endings. This is not to say I never enjoy those movies, but given my druthers, I'll take the upbeat ending. I'd rather cry tears of joy when I have my good cry.
I really do love it when there is sewing or knitting shown on tv and in movies. I loved the scene in Raising Helen where Joan Cusack's character is knitting and telling her husband how many celebrities are knitters. They hear a car pull up, Joan says, "I wonder who it is", and her husband teases that it may be a celebrity come to knit with her. I found it hilarious! Susan Sarandon sews in Stepmom, and knitting content can be found entangled in the plot of the infamous A Cry in the Dark which I would have enjoyed less and found less notable if it wasn't for the bit of knitting.
Sometimes, I think my true hobby is being obsessed with hobbies. I think about and shop for sewing, and knitting, and scrapbooking all the time, but spend a relatively small amount of time actually creating. It's more like I study the hobbies and collect their related paraphernalia.
I wonder if there are others out there like me.