Okay, almost never.
I got up one November morning and decided to apply myself to a work in progress that was randomly growing from 4 charm packs and a bit of yardage I had from Moda's Fresh by Deb Strain.
I had some blocks done, some halfway done, some strips cut, and some uncut yardage scattered about my dining room table which is really my craft table because we rarely dine there.
Wouldn't you know it-
I went to take a swallow of my fresh cup of coffee (with cream and sugar), reached over my sewing machine to get the cup, and caught the bottom of the cup as I was lifting it over the machine.
I could have just spilled some of it, but no, the whole cup slipped from my grip and flooded the work table. It was bad. It was one of those moments where I was stunned in disbelief for a second or so before I could even react.
All I could do was pre-soak the blocks and pieces, and then put them in lingerie bags through a gentle cycle in the washer. There are still some dingy areas, but maybe I am the only one who would really notice.
The real issue is - wait for it -
The fabric really does shrink. This makes it a bit tricky to sew unwashed blocks with the coffeed/washed blocks, but whatever, I just did it.
I'm free motion quilting it myself, so the fact that this is stained and some of the blocks are smaller than others really takes the pressure off of me as far as the quilting goes.
I'm still just learning and practicing and I'm cutting myself some slack. I keep telling myself that I have to see some disappointments before I'll see improvement and the results I really want.