Valentine's Day
My youngest daughter and I made cards for her friends at daycare. I thought that she would have a great time with arts and crafts, making her own cards, but the session was marked with a 3 year old's comments such as, "This is taking all day" and "I'm tired from this".
She mostly wanted to draw elaborate "signatures" inside the card. Children always know what they want to do and it is usually different from whatever your plan was to start with. We did manage to finish enough for everyone on her list for cards.
I made these for some of my friends at work...
I have not done very much cardmaking in the past couple of years, but it was fun to rediscover some of my stamps and to have a little something to give to friends for Valentine's Day.
I have also been working on the quilting of my throw quilt. Row after endless row of (mostly) straight stitching. I had debated quilting it with my embroidery machine, but in the end, I decided to just use straight lines as it seemed safest and most likely to be completed. I can always try something different next time.
I think I am more than half-way done at this point and I have taken a break from it. I did not mark the quilt so I have just been "winging it". Some of my lines are a little wonky but I think after it is washed and dried and shrinks up a bit with that wrinkly look the straightness of the lines will not be so noticeable.
I opened a pack of printable fabric sheets that I have had for quite a while and came up with this...
A wall-hanging to give to my mother for her birthday. I was very happy with the results of the picture printing on fabric. I just have to finish hand-stitching the binding on the back side and create some kind of hanger for it, and it will be ready to go. How could a grandmother not just love some cute pictures of her grandchildren that are already framed and ready to hang?
I think I may make a similar quilted wall hanging for myself. I would like one to hang in my cubicle at work. Until then, I made these...
I purchased these 12x12 scrapbook page frames about 2 years ago, planning to make scrapbook pages to hang in my cubicle at work. Until now, I have had pictures up on the cublicle walls with push-pins. Classy, I know. At least the push-pins all match (they're clear plastic). I have tons of paper and stickers and all manner of scrapbooking supplies, but my cherished snap shots are on display (curling at the edges with plastic push-pins. I feel that is just a little shameful. Now I have a couple of pages to display and am planning on bringing home my other favorite snap shots to make a couple of other pages. I am not sure how or if I even can hang these in my cubicle. They are a bit too heavy to hang from a push pin on a cubicle wall, but I hope to come up with something that will work.
The best part is that now I don't have to store the 2 frames in a drawer any longer. It is one tiny step towards organizing my sewing/scrapbook/stamping/knitting area. This area is currently a mega disaster area...
The photos do not really do the mess justice, bu I do literally have to continuously shuffle to find what I need and climb over things to get to some parts of the room. I try to be organized but it has just gotten away from me lately. Maybe that's why I am getting more things done. Hmmm...
Last but not least, I started a new knitting project.
I am aiming for it to be a pull-over baby doll style with a lace pattern on the top half and short sleeves. It is based on someone else's pattern that I have recently completed, but we'll see. I am not much of a planner. Maybe it will develop into something wearable, maybe it will join the other unmentionables in the UFO pile, destined to be robbed of it's needles someday when I find I need them for some other hare-brained idea that I have.