Last year, fall-ish time, I started this sweater using a pattern called Marisa. I purchased the pattern at Stitches Midwest in Schaumburg, IL and was excited to knit a sweater that was constructed from only two pieces, required minimal finishing, and was relatively inexpensive because it was knit in sock-weight yarn.
It's hazy, but I seem to recall having a few mis-starts. The size XL of the pattern calls for 220 cast-on stitches and I knit for a while, increasing four stitches every other row or something like that. The gist of the story being that every other row or so the row gets l o n g e r.
Anyway, the Artyarns Ultramerino 4 was full of knots. I mean every skein had at least two, but one in particular had five. No lie. I had never run across something like this before. For some reason I could not divine (then or even now), I just thought -why heck, I'll just knit all those knots right in! Darn skippy!
After a few inches (hundreds upon hundreds of stitches), I thought- huh, I could spit-splice all those knots instead of knitting them right in. I ripped it all out and started over, spit-splicing all those knots and wondering why I didn't think of that first.
I knit, and I knit, and I knit some more. I knit through quite a few skeins of sock yarn. I thought I should have enough yarn. I loved the blue & lime colorway so much that I bought something like 10 skeins of it from my local yarn shop, knot knowing at the time what I would do with it and certainly knot knowing that this beautiful yarn was going to drive me insane with all the knots in every single blessed skein.
I had that sense, that feeling, and that little voice saying maybe, just maybe this was getting a little on the big side. But then I just thought back saying- but it's supposed to be a loose tunic style, so it's all good. I kept kniting, and knitting until I finished the body. I never really shook that really big feeling.
I must have mentioned this to my husband, and he loves a good internet search. He searched around on-line for me and found some pages talking about the pattern and how it had come out way too big for the intended wearers. I heard him, but I kept knitting. I don't know why really. I guess it's just that special kind of stubborn.
I knit until I was nearly finished. Both sleeves were at a mid-way kind of point because I wasn't sure how far to go with them due to the unusual construction of the sweater. Then, springtime arrived and I stuffed the sweater parts into a knitting bag and shoved it in my bedroom closet when I was cleaning up for a birthday party in March.
Today I was inspired to dig that sweater out from the yarn monster that it was intertwined with and pin it together a little to see if it might be worth finishing. Sweater weather is here. I drove to the store, and bought a bottle of one of my favorite wines to brace myself. I poured a glassful and confronted that sweater.
I don't even know what to say. I don't know if it would be possible to knit a more unflattering sweater for myself. Mere words cannot describe it. What was I thinking? What wasn't I thinking? Should a clue have been that the sample was knit with 2 skeins of sock yarn, and even though I was not using the same sock yarn, I had easily knit up at least 9 skeins of yarn into this sweater???
Why do I keep choosing patterns that are not appropriate for my body type? Why do I keep knitting a project when deep down I know -yes, I know it's not working out? Will I ever knit a sweater that I feel is a complete success?
I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that I will soon have a giant, 9 skein, spit-spliced ball of yarn to knit it with.